
Things you always wanted to say but were afraid

What to do with retirement?

I am retiring in less than 50 days, and in worrying about all the things one worries about (mine being that I could easily become the laziest person on the planet) I though long and hard about something I had always wanted to do but had been unable to do while working.  Sitting through a particularly boring and wasteful meeting that drug on for hours, all the smart alec remarks that my mother would have slapped my face for kept leaping into my brain.  Of course, at my age I had learned to manage my tongue and kept quiet.  And then the revelation, the epiphany; I could blog all the things I had longed to say when I could not for various reasons.  One being I liked my job and especially my paycheck.  I am experiencing a new found freedom, like I was 16 again and the Vietnam war was raging, and I had no job to jeopardize or children to set a “bad” example or attitude for.  This will be fun.

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