
Things you always wanted to say but were afraid

The man who talked to his dead wife


I called the Man this morning before I left to go see him.  For those of you that don’t know, he is in a rehab center after a fall.  First, the phone system would not cooperate.  I would call the rehab desk and ask for his room; they would ring his room; it would ring once; it would kick me to the main hospital switchboard; the switchboard lady would send me back to the rehab desk.  The rehab desk would ring his room; it would ring once; it would kick me to the main switchboard; the switchboard lady would send me back to the rehab desk.  The rehab – on well, you get the picture.  This lasted for five cycles when during one such cycle, while I was on hold for the person at rehab to put me through to the room, a different person picked up the phone and asked me who I was holding for.  I told her, and she told me to just hold on a second, the Man was right by the desk doing exercises with his arms and could come right to the phone.  I waited and finally a small voice said hello.  I knew instantly that is was not the Man, but when I asked to whom I was speaking, and he told me, I nearly choked.  It was a fellow patient that I had met on several occasions, and I knew from conversations with him that his wife was deceased.  I guess he figured it was a long distance call!

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