
Things you always wanted to say but were afraid

Archive for the category “grandchildren”

To my babies on starting the school year

The whole group

Always look forward, never backward, every day you get the privilege of going and are able to learn. There are so many that cannot and want to. If you are open and honest you will find something good every day, and if you are ready to learn there will aways be someone ready to teach you. If it is hard work, so be it. Hard work is nothing; we can do that. Not for accolades or rewards do you work hard, but rather to grow inside as a person of good character. If you will do this one simple thing, the world will open its arms to welcome you and your success will be immeasurable.

Love and Peace

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Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences


Straight up with a twist– Because life is too short to be subtle!


Just another WordPress.com site

Welcome to My Empty Nest

Musings from Mama Bird

Texana's Kitchen

Yummy food. Pithy commentary. Pretty pictures.

forcing myself happy

One day at a time...for 6 months! :/

Ruminations on Love & Lunchmeat

There's always a story.


A fine WordPress.com site


The Fashion/Make up/Lifestyle Blog

Sunny Sleevez

Sun Protection & Green Info

cancer killing recipe

Inspiration for meeting life's challenges.


The wacky stories of a crazy lady.

To Be Aware

It's all about disbelieving your thoughts


musings on Film, the Universe and Everything