
Things you always wanted to say but were afraid

Archive for the tag “Religion”

The Words are impossible to hold back

Dear prior and future siblings in education.  Just a “touch base with you” sort of letter.  I felt very strongly about speaking to you about some strange happenings in the land of the “normal.” (Although I know that my quotations and period are correct, I still wish we could just step out there and move the quotes to the inside.) Stay on course you lazy retired teacher person that is up at 1:45 after an hour with “George and Gracie”.  (Oh I can see you correcting me if I was wrong this time.)  If you can’t tell by now, my style of writing is nothing short of the familiar stream of consciousness.  ANYWAY, I have found the perfect second life for all of us.  Teaching, (don’t run away) the once-a-week Sunday School class.  Churches are in need of teachers.  It’s only one time a week.  You have all week to prep. If any sweet little darlin’ gives you issues, you can send them to Mom or Dad (right down the hall) or tell them not to return (Wow, the ultimate definition of a bad kid.) Add all that up; then, throw this gasoline on the fire – the class only lasts an hour.  It can run over,  but never more than two hours tops.  O.K, now get ready for the piece de resistance. (for you Dr. Tracey) You get paid just as much as you have before – VERY LITTLE.  O.K., to be fair, just enough to enable you to keep on paying the electric company, gas company, phone company, grocery store, pharmacy, doctors, dentist, etc., etc., etc.  AND don’t forget that you can teach 3 year olds with the Kids Praise and just sing Do Lord for an hour.

Freedom Of Speech, Ideas, Expression, and Thought is a Basic Human Right which needs to be Protected.

Freedom Of Speech, Ideas, Expression, and Thought is a Basic Human Right which needs to be Protected..

The post and video struck a strange chord with me.  I want to find a place to understand the Koran in a way that I can be convinced that Muslims are not encouraged to kill people not of their faith and so I can argue the point.  So far, I have not been very successful.  I am unable to comprehend a religion that must take years and years of study to understand.  It must be why we usually follow the faith unto which we are born.  I just don’t know why we can’t allow freedom of religion and the right to express it.  Everyone seems to want that for themselves, but not necessarily for others.

If you have not read this blog, you need to do so.  It is thoughtful, intelligent and sensible.  Of course, that will not always be popular.

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